We started offering transcripts at the start of Season 3 (fall 2019), and then… fell off the wagon for a while.
By the end of 2020, we were back, posting transcripts with every single episode.
So if you go to our main episodes page, each of the first 25 episodes you see (at this writing, Feb. 2022) will have an episode link embedded in the page for that ep.
Meanwhile, here are the first transcripts we posted:
Season 3, episode 1: Mom vs. Texas | ArmAndALeg_S3E1_MomVsTexas_Transcript
Season 3, episode 2: My neighbor the health-care ninja | ArmAndALegS3E2_RobinHood_Transcript
Some day, we’ll post the transcripts for the 30-ish early episodes that lack them.