Additional Media Coverage
Reviews of the Show

The Best Podcasts of 2019 (So Far)-Discover Pods
Reviews by Ma’ayan Plaut and Jeremy Helton
AV Club, PodMass, review by Amber Cortes
PBM episode reviewed in Hurt Your Brain Podcast Newsletter by Erik The Jones.
2018 Best New Non Fiction Podcast List by Wil Williams
The Best New Podcasts, Digital Trends by Jenny McGrath
An Arm and a Leg: Bonding Through Frustration, in The Pod Report
Podcast Maniac An Arm and a Leg Review
Review by Wil Williams for Discover Pods: “An Arm and a Leg” Reveals the
True Cost of Healthcare
Why You and I Will (Probably) pick the Wrong Health Insurance
in Hurt Your Brain Podcast Newsletter by Erik The Jones.
Recommendation by Scott Gurian of the Far From Home Podcast
Interviews with Dan

“An Arm and a Leg” journalist Dan Weissmann explores the cost of health care-WGN Chicago
An Arm and a Leg’ Podcast Tells Alarming Stories of Health Care Costs’ WTTW (Television)’
An Arm and a Leg: An interview with the show creator, Dan Weissmann The Podcast Brunch Club
Interview with Kerry Klein at Valley Public Radio: ‘An Arm and a Leg:’ Inside A New Podcast About The Rising Costs Of Healthcare
New Podcasts for the Summer, Illinois Public Media with Niala Boodhoo
Talking to Dan Weissmann About His New Healthcare Podcast, An Arm and a Leg in The BillFold
Oh My Dollar! Podcast: A Genuinely Messed Up Situation with An Arm And a Leg Podcast
Other Media Coverage for An Arm and a Leg
Contextualizing Care Saul Weiner and Amy Binns-Calvey on “An Arm and a Leg”
Podcast digs into the mysteries of healthcare costs, in Modern Healthcare
Public Radio Tulsa: A New Podcast Focused on the Cost of Health Care
Start Hear on WVXU, Why Health Insurance Actually Sucks
St. Paul couple thought they did everything right, were dropped by insurance with a baby on the way City Pages, Minneapolis, MN
Podcast explores a cancer patient’s quest for low-cost MRIs, Health Imaging
Beach Reads, Pods, and Healthcare Costs, Smart Policy Works
A Few Review Samples:
Podmass in AV Club
An Arm And A Leg
Why Are Drug Prices So Random? Meet Mr. PBM

Just your typical, heartwarming story of healthcare in America: guy gets new insurance, then finds out his new copay on a prescription is $700 at his local drugstore,but somehow it’s only $25 at a supermarket down the street. The guy is Dan Weissmann, a journalist who happens to be hosting a podcast about the “unhealthy” costs of healthcare, so he’s going to spend hours and hours of his own precious time researching the question of why drug prices vary so much, so you don’t have to. And the answer is just as tangled and weirdly fascinating as you might expect, involving a web of backroom deals, bad-faith negotiations, and a hidden, growing monopoly of Pharmacy Benefit Managers (or PBMs) that have a vice grip on prescription drug prices in the United States. Weissmann uses classic film metaphors and revealing interviews to deftly explain the history behind how things got so bad,the implications of which will have you chugging your vitamins for days (an ounce of prevention, right?). [Amber Cortes]

Selection from the Discover Pods review
by Wil Williams
“Weissmann’s editing and production are key in An Arm and a Leg. Each episode sounds crisp, and they’re kept to a tight story usually under twenty minutes. It’s enough to get the point across efficiently, weaving interview recordings in with Weissmann’s narration, without overstaying its welcome. Keeping the episodes short makes sure the relaxed tone can be maintained without being forced, while also ensuring each story is whittled down to its most essential parts.
An Arm and a Leg is one of 2018’s most interesting new nonfiction podcasts, breaking apart how the healthcare system works while also sharing people’s stories of their own struggles with healthcare. Its comforting style and approach to stories is indicative of one of the podcast’s mission statements: “We may be screwed, but we’re together. And if we want to get even a little bit less-screwed, we need each other. If nothing else, we can be good company to each other.”