Help us report on charity care!

Most hospitals are required to have charity care policies, also called financial assistance. Based on your income, your bill could be reduced or even wiped out. 

But not enough people know about these policies. Which raises a question: How exactly are hospitals telling you and me about charity care? 

That’s why we want to see as many hospital bills as possible, including yours. We’d love you to upload your hospital bill and tell us your story. 

If you have any questions — including about how to apply for charity care — check out our FAQ (below the form), and feel free to write to us.

You'll find an upload link — and this email address — on the next page.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I learn about charity care? Could I be eligible?

Our reporting suggests that a majority of Americans could be eligible for charity care. A nonprofit group called Dollar For has taught us — and lots of other people — about what charity care is and how to apply.  

At their site, you can use their screening tool to see if you’re eligible. You’ll find lots of instructions too — and their staff is standing by ready to help. 

You can find more information on charity care in our First Aid Kit newsletter.

Who are you?

We are An Arm and a Leg, a reporting project about why health care costs so freaking much, and what we can (maybe) do about it.

What will you do with this information?

We want to know what hospitals are telling people about charity care — and whether they’re emphasizing other paths, like applying for a payment plan instead. By filling out the form and sending us a copy of your bill, you’ll help us tell this story. We’ll reach out to record interviews with some people who share their stories with us.

Why do you need to see my bill?

We want to know what options hospitals are giving people — and which ones they’re emphasizing — when they send bills. (Are they suggesting charity care? Or are they pushing a payment plan instead?) We aren’t harvesting your data and we won’t share your contact information. 

How are you telling the story?

We will cover this topic across our platforms. If we decide to feature your story, we’ll contact you to record an interview. We may also share anonymized information based on what you tell us. That might sound like “Someone in Wisconsin was offered a payment plan, but nobody ever mentioned charity care to them, even when they said they just couldn’t pay.”

Who will see what I send you?

We will keep your information private, and only members of our editorial team who work on the story will have access to it. You can learn more about our team here.

What can I do to help?

You can share this form. Email it to people you know. Post this link to social media: 

What if I have more questions?

If you have any other questions, email us at