Badass volunteers help Jared level up, in the fight to crush medical debt

Season 4-ever – Episode 21 

Image of Jared Walker on Tiktok, plus the following text:

An update on Jared Walker, whose viral TikTok described a little-known (and effective) method to “crush” many hospital bills, and offered to help folks deploy it. Since then, he’s been responding to thousands of requests for help,and building an system to respond more effectively, thanks to a small army of whip-smart volunteers. 

Jared’s non-profit, Dollar For, has got that system up and running. So: If anyone you know has a hospital bill they can’t pay, the system can quickly tell them if they might qualify for debt forgiveness, and get them started on an application. Here’s the link. Pass it around.

(If you want to see that original 60-second video, it’s here.)

Here’s the transcript for this episode

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